Camara is a freelance artist who splits her time between London and Birmingham. Her interest in art came early in life and she found her personal style at a young age, but her true creative awakening materialised during a visit to the Picasso Museum at age eighteen. So profoundly impacted by what she had seen, she began to make art almost every day, often succumbing to passionate immediacy and completing pieces in one sitting.

Joie De Vivre

A lover of the ancient world, Camara studied Classics at King's College, whilst relishing in the energetic lifestyle of the modern city. This melding of contrasts is reflected in her work – inspiration ranges from the hidden creativity of the Orient to the boldness of Alexander McQueen, with nods towards the everyday beauty found in fashion, culture, and languages. Not one to limit herself to a particular style or technique, her tools of choice are instinctual: acrylics, gouache, glitter pens, lipstick… the finished piece is never created from just one medium. It is this process that enables her to embody emotion in a daring and striking way, invoking a visceral reaction from the viewer. Her work is colourful, vivid, abstract, open to interpretation; an explosion of creativity influenced by that early visit to Picasso’s hometown.

Camara approaches her work organically, an outward reaction to deep bursts of energy and excitement, culminating in a need to express herself artistically. She describes this approach as an unravelling, one in which she is never hesitant, always trusting that each stroke or line is the right one for the piece. It is this absence of pressure or uncertainty that drives her love of art and, in turn, the unexpected nature of her expression.

Camara’s launch exhibition will open shortly, where she will display twelve of her defining pieces.

Enquiries can be sent via email to or Instagram DM @artbycamara.